Chances Of 4 Of A Kind In Texas Holdem 3,5/5 5053 votes

Playing poker is about playing the odds. The following list gives the odds for outcomes in Texas Hold’em hands. When you realize how heavily the odds are stacked against you, you may want to rethink going all-in before the flop with two suited cards. Use the odds to your advantage:

Chances Of 4 Of A Kind In Texas Holdem, art goedgekeurd slot motor, salvo daniele slot, casino st etienne recrutement. In poker terms, the river is the name for the fifth card dealt, face-up on the board. In total, there are 2,598,960 possible poker hands with 52 cards. The odds of getting four of a kind in Texas Hold ‘Em is 4164 to 1. For example, let's say the board is 7-7-7-6-6. You have two sixes in the hole, so you have four of a kind. But if your one or more opponents who is betting like crazy, I'd probably put one of them on a 7 in the hole. In that example, the odds of you losing with four of a kind are pretty good.

Chances of 4 of a kind in texas holdem gameChances
  • 1 percent (1-in-100): Percentage of time that no player holds an Ace or a King at a table in a 10-handed game

  • 1 percent (1-in-100): Percentage of time that if you hold two suited cards, you’ll flop a flush

  • 6 percent (about 1-in-20): Percentage of time that five community cards will give pocket suited cards a flush

  • 6 percent (about 1-in-20): Percentage of time that you’ll be dealt a pocket pair

  • 8 percent (about 1-in-12): Percentage of time that you’ll hit at least trips after having a pair on the flop

  • 12 percent (about 1-in-8): Percentage of time that you’ll flop trips if holding a pocket pair

  • 12 percent (about 1-in-8): Percentage of time that two more cards will flop in the same suit as a suited pocket pair

  • 19 percent (about 1-in-5): Percentage of time that the five community cards will at least trip your pocket pair

  • 32 percent (about 1-in-3): Percentage of time that you’ll pair one of your cards on the flop (with no pocket pair)

  • 33 percent (about 1-in-3): Percentage of time that you’ll make a full house or better after having trips on the flop

  • 35 percent (about 1-in-3): Percentage of time that you’ll make a flush on the turn or river if you have four cards to a flush after the flop


What Are The Odds Of Flopping 4 Of A Kind In Texas Holdem


Chances Of 4 Of A Kind In Texas Holdem Game

  1. The odds of hitting Four of a Kind by the river when you flop 3 of a Kind is 4.3%. As you see, the odds of hitting Four of a Kind poker hands are very low initially, but when you are lucky to hit Trips on the Flop, you will make Quads around 1 out of 23 times.
  2. As Bill F noted, the odds of getting four of a kind for any specific hand, before the deal, in holdem is approximately 0.17%. So, once you have gotten four of a kind on one hand, you have a 0.17%.